2016. március 14., hétfő

8. Közép-Európai Agyagásványtani konferencia

Dear Colleague,
We would like to inform you that abstract deadline together with early bird registration date for the 8th Mid-European Clay Conference, MECC 2016, to be held on 4 - 8 July 2016 in Košice, Slovakia expire in March 15th, 2016.
Please, check your registration form on the Conference website http://www.mecc2016.sav.sk, if all important data are correctly filled.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.
Sincerely yours,

  Organizing Committee of the MECC 2016


   8th Mid-European Clay Conference 2016
    Slovak Clay Group
    Dúbravská cesta 9
    SK-84536 Bratislava
    Slovak Republic
    Fax:      (421-2) 5941-0444
    Phone:  (421-2) 5941-0485, 457

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