2013. december 20., péntek

PhD studentship at the University of Bristol (UK)

I would like to draw your attention to a joint Bristol-CASP-Utrecht PhD studentship involving both field and laboratory work: "Palaeoenvironmental controls on the accumulation of hydrocarbon source rocks in Paratethys". See link for full details:

The project is a NERC-Industrial Case award hosted by Bristol University with CASP as the case partner.  The deadline for applications is Friday 10th January.  Further information about how to apply and eligibility is available on the GW4+ Doctoral Training Partnership website. 

For more details please do not hesitate to contact Dr Rachel Flecker (r.flecker@bristol.ac.uk) or Dr Stephen Vincent (stephen.vincent@casp.cam.ac.uk)

2013. december 18., szerda

Geophysical Skills Development for Environmental Scientists - A fully-funded, 7-day, NERC Training course for PhD students and Early Career Researchers

Keele University are pleased to announce a fully-funded, 7-day, residential skills development course aimed at Postgraduate Research students and Early Career Researchers who wish to learn about the theory, practice and real-world application of environmental geophysics for research and career development.
Course Dates : Saturday 1st March 2014 through to Friday 7th March 2014 (inclusive).

Course Location : Keele University, Staffordshire and Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, U.K.

Who should attend :  Environmental, physical and natural scientists that have limited theoretical/practical experience of near-surface geophysics but wish (or intend) to use these techniques in their research or future career.

Places will be allocated preferentially to NERC-funded PhD students (at all stages), Early Career Researchers and Fellowship holders (i.e., 50% or more funded by NERC). However, a number of funded places may be available to applicants who do not meet these criteria.

For more information about the course, what it contains and how to apply for a place, please visit our website

Alternatively, contact Dr Nigel Cassidy at n.j.cassidy@keele.ac.uk if you have any queries about the course or its content. Please feel free to pass this e-mail on to any colleagues who may be interested in participating.

PhD studentship at Liverpool, UK

Fully funded NERC PhD project "Bedload transport of sediment mixtures in shelf seas"
Application deadline: 16th of February 2014, position starts in October 2014.


To fundamentally improve our knowledge on shelf seabed dynamics in mixed sediments, a fully funded PhD studentship is available, based at Bangor University (Dr Katrien Van Landeghem and Dr Jaco Baas) and the National Oceanography Centre - Liverpool (Dr. Laurent Amoudry). This studentship is part of the NERC Doctoral Training Programme "ENVISION" (www.Envision-dtp.org), aiming to developing our next generation leaders in environmental science.
This PhD project focuses on the complexity of shelf seabed morphological dynamics in a mixture of sand and gravel. You will be part of a truly multi-disciplinary, integrated approach of offshore data analyses, laboratory work, bedload modelling and novel ways to communicate your science through 3D graphics. You relocate to Liverpool to work with experts at the National Oceanography Centre for minimum 6 months. 
You should hold good numerical skills and a minimum of a UK Honours Degree at 2:1 level or equivalent in subjects such as Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, (Marine) Geology, Physical Oceanography or Natural Sciences.
ENVISION DTP studentships are funded for typically 3.5 years and cover full tuition fees,  tax-free stipend (£13,726 + £1000 per annum), Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) of £2500 per annum and extra funds and support from our partners in industry.
For further details please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Katrien Van Landeghem via k.v.landeghem@bangor.ac.uk  or 0044(0)1248 388161

2013. december 6., péntek

Fully funded PhD on deep-marine sedimentary architecture databasing, University of Leeds, UK

Quantitative characterisation and prediction of deep-marine sedimentary architecture and facies heterogeneity through relational databasing

This is a fully-funded 3.5 year PhD studentship for UK or EU candidates. The award will pay all tuition fees and a tax-free stipend at the UK Research Council rate (currently £13,590). Start date is flexible; suggested April-September 2014. Deadline for applications: 6th February 2014.
The number of sedimentological studies providing data on the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems is steadily growing, under the impulse of both industrial and academic drivers.  These studies indicate the ongoing need for improved characterization and prediction of deep-marine hydrocarbon reservoirs and the associated interest in deciphering the complex interplay of autogenic and allogenic factors in the rock record.  To address these interests there is an urgent need for a method of storing data from many studies of different deep-marine depositional systems in a way that permits different types of datasets to be standardized, such that they can be compared or merged in a reliable and well-founded manner. By drawing upon experience in the development of relational databases for both deep-water and fluvial systems (DWAKB: Baas et al. 2005, FAKTS: Colombera et al. 2012, respectively), an improved database methodology is being developed at Leeds as an instrument to permit the digitization of deep-marine sedimentary architecture (DMAKS 2). DMAKS 2 aims to classify deep-marine depositional systems and to record their fundamental architectural and facies properties, including genetic-unit geometries, and both hierarchy and spatial relationships. DMAKS 2 will in effect be a research tool with which it should be possible to inform and carry out both pure and applied sedimentary research using metadata – an approach that is in its infancy for geological studies.
Project description
The candidate will contribute to the development of the DMAKS2 database, driving database population with literature- and field-derived architectural data.  Original fieldwork, which may involve the digital acquisition of 3D virtual outcrop models by means of photogrammetrical techniques, will be carried out on ancient deep-marine successions in Europe to obtain data suitable for database population. The candidate could also choose to complement field data with a study involving interpretation of larger-scale sedimentary architecture from seismic datasets. Notably, the candidate will need to identify published case studies of deep-marine sedimentary architecture from which data would be derived for database input, so that metastudies generating new information from the integration of new and published data could be attempted. The multi-scale architectural characterisation enabled by the DMAKS2 design will permit the candidate to tailor the type of field and seismic data collection to suit his/her specific interests and the research questions he/she may want to address. Importantly, to make best use of the database as a research tool, the candidate will need to work on database optimisation, which will be tested through research-focused queries with which the particular research questions or hypotheses will be addressed.
Example research themes that could be addressed within the scope of this project include:  
  • the compilation of quantitative facies models describing the sedimentology of slope to basin-floor settings of classified deep-marine depositional systems, based on the synthesis of several suitable database case studies;
  • investigation of the importance of controlling variables in determining processes and associated sedimentological/architectural features by performing comparative studies of many different systems;
  • determination of the scale-dependent or scale-independent nature of architectural features in deep-marine clastic systems;
  • application of database output to improve the realism and prediction capability of stochastic and deterministic subsurface forecasting tools. 
Candidate should have a degree in Earth Sciences with minimum BSc 2.1 or equivalent. The project would suit a student with strong numerical and computing skills. Experience in geostatistics would be a significant advantage.
Research Environment
The student will be a member of the industry-funded Turbidites Research Group (TRG) JIP project.  She/he would thus be integrated into a dynamic and active research group, with ongoing research into deep marine clastics via field studies, physical and numerical modelling and seismic studies. An internship with a major oil company would be possible during the duration of the PhD.
Baas et al. 2005, The deep-water architecture knowledge base: towards an objective comparison of deep-marine sedimentary systems Petrol. Geosci. 11, 309-320.
Colombera et al. 2012, A relational database for the digitization of fluvial architecture: Concepts and example applications Petrol. Geosci. 18, 129-140.

Further details:

2013. október 14., hétfő

PhD position at the University of Leeds, UK

A fully-funded PhD position is available on "Quantitative characterisation and prediction of deep-marine sedimentary architecture and facies heterogeneity through relational databasing" with the Turbidites Research Group at the University of Leeds. Deadline is October 31st.

Further details can be found here:


Job opportunities at the University of Aberdeen, UK

As part of an ongoing process of growth and expansion, the Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology at the University of Aberdeen is looking to appoint 3 new staff and lecturer/senior lecturer level.

These positions are in any discipline associated with petroleum geoscience and sedimentology/stratigraphy are core areas within the department.

Further details can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/lnloxvc

2013. szeptember 20., péntek

5 year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Curtin University, Australia

As part of a newly established partnership between the Department of Applied Geology at Curtin University and Chevron Energy Technology Group Pty Ltd., the University is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow who will contribute to the development of a high impact petroleum geology research group, as well as assisting with the delivery of petroleum geology related courses, particularly at Masters level. As well as a PhD in geology or a related discipline, you should have experience of working with subsurface datasets and their use in addressing regional tectonic, structural, stratigraphic and/or sedimentological issues of relevance to hydrocarbon exploration and/or production (conventional and unconventional) and/or to carbon sequestration and storage.

The post is a five year fixed term position and salary will be in the range $86,299 - 102,479 plus 17% superannuation. Applications should be made via http://futurestaff.curtin.edu.au/job_vacancies/ where details will appear shortly. Applications close at 5 pm on Friday 11 October 2013, Perth time (GMT/UTC + 08:00 hour).  Informal enquires can be addressed directly to Chris Elders  (c.elders@rhul.ac.uk)

2013. szeptember 16., hétfő



2013. november 16-án kerül megrendezésre az a konferencia, ami a pulai alginitbánya világhírű őslénytani és földtani eredményeit kívánja bemutatnia nagyközönség számára is érthetőés élvezhetőmódon.

A konferencia szervezői:
Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeuma;
Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum Baráti Köre;
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Veszprémi Területi Bizottsága;
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Paleontológiai Tudományos Bizottsága;
Békefi Antal Városi Könyvtár, Művelődési Ház és Stúdió KB.

A konferencia tematikája:
Eddig 8 kutató jelezte szándékát, hogy bemutassa kutatásainak legfrissebb eredményeit:
Dr. Hably Lilla: Pula pliocén flórája és vegetációja.
Dr. Kordos László: Gerinces ősmaradványok a pulai alginitbányából.
Dr. Csillag Gábor: A kráter-tó kialakulása és földtani felépítése.
Dr. Kutasi Csaba: Pliocén korú szárazföldi rovarok a kráter-tó üledékéből.
Dr. Tóth Sándor: Pliocén korú vízi és vízhez kötött rovarok a kráter-tó üledékéből.
Dr. Szántó Tamás: Vizsgálati módszer a gerinces ősmaradvány-kutatásban.
Knoll József: A pulai alginit-bányászat története és az alginitfelhasználási területei.
Katona Lajos: Tapasztalatok az alginitből elkerült ősmaradványok perparálását és konzerválását tekintve.

A konferencia napján egy szakkiállítás is látható lesz a múzeum geológiai
gyűjteményében, ahol a MTM Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeuma és a Magyar
Geofizikai és Földtani Intézet gyűjteményében szereplőanyagokon túl
magángyűjteményekben található ősmaradványok is láthatóak lesznek.

A rendezvény tervezett menete: 9:30-10 óráig regisztráció; 10-12 óráig: tudományos ismeretterjesztő előadások; 12-14 óráig állófogadás a múzeum közművelődési termében,
tárlatvezetés az előadók közreműködésével; 14-16 óráig tudományos szakmai előadások. A konferencia napján a regisztrált résztvevők ingyenesen láthatják a MTM Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum időszaki, és állandó kiállításait. A konferencián hallott előadásokról megfelelőanyagi támogatás mellett kiadvány is készül.

A regisztrációs díj és a konferencián való részvétel feltételei:
A konferencia részvételi díja október 15-ig 2500 Ft, a konferencia napján 3000 Ft,ami tartalmazza azebédet (svédasztalos), és a kiadványt. Lehetőség szerint, aki nem kér ebédet, annak a részvételi díja 1500 Ft. Kollégiumi szállásra van lehetőség, de ezt mindenkinek magának kell intézni!

A konferencián a VEAB tagok és a BTM Baráti Köre tagjai ingyenesen
látogathatják az előadásokat.

A regisztrációs lap innen tölthető le, illetve a btmz@bakonymuseum.koznet.hu e-mail címen igényelhető!

FONTOS!!! A részvételi díj befizetése átutalással, vagy a helyszínen személyesen történhet. A részvételi díj támogatás formájában történik, így az BTM Baráti Köre egyesület nem tud számlát kiállítani, csak adóigazolást. A konferencia részvételi díját a további kutatásokra fordítjuk.

Előzetes regisztráció:
Az előzetes regisztráció az ebéd és konferenciakötet darabszámában, illetve a konferencia termének (befogadás mértéke) lefoglalásában nyújt segítséget.

Reméljük, hogy sokak érdeklődését felkeltettük:

Katona Lajos Tamás
MTM Bakonyi Természettudományi
Múzeuma geológus főmuzeológusa
a BTM Baráti Kör titkára

2013. szeptember 12., csütörtök

PhD Opportunities in Detrital Geochronology/Sedimentary Provenance and Clastic Sedimentology/Basin Analysis, Brisbane, Australia

 Project Descriptions (Further details can be found on the following link: http://www.earthworks-jobs.com/geoscience/qut13091.html) :

PhD Project 1: Detrital Geochronology and Sedimentary Provenance
Sediments are one of the main recorders of tectonic events and provide a sample of large regions of continental crust not easily accessible in outcrop or that have been removed by uplift and erosion in response to major mountain building events. While U/Pb dating of zircon has become an increasingly standard means of interpreting mountain building events and tracing sediment sources, ambiguity in interpreting source regions results when candidate source terranes have similar ages for a given radioisotopic system. Recent advances in multi-dating - applying different geochronologic and thermochronologic systems to mineral grains in sedimentary rocks, now allow for unprecedented levels of detail in provenance and tectonic studies of sediments. New insights on the location, age, and exhumation history of source terranes, and dynamics of orogenic processes can therefore be gained.
The Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous (~380-320 Ma) period in Australia was characterised by intraplate orogenic events in central Australia (Alice Springs Orogeny), from which a major sheet of cratonic-derived quartz-rich sand spread outwards, principally across central and western Australia. A missing link in our understanding and record of this enigmatic intraplate mountain building event has been the huge volumes of quartz sediment also shed eastwards at this time. For example, the Drummond Basin of northeastern Australia has stored >40,000 km^2 and up to 7 km thickness of quartz sandstone. However, the Drummond Basin was developing as a wide volcanic-rift basin in board of the active plate boundary.
This project is to test the hypothesis that craton-derived quartz sand sedimentation in eastern Australia was a far-field response to the final stages of the coeval central Australian Alice Springs Orogeny. It will involve the application of multiple dating techniques to enable source differentiation for these sandstones, revealing both the igneous and high-grade metamorphic history by focussing on U/Pb zircon and rutile ages by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis. These new data will provide novel insights into the relationship and timing of sedimentation and deformation events on the distal margin of one of the world's best examples of an intracratonic orogen. Two expected outcomes of this study are that: 1) the distal sedimentary record will provide new constraints on the duration and nature of unroofing by intraplate deformation; and 2) the effects of intracratonic deformation via a high sediment flux on the tectonic development of the northeastern Australian margin will be emphasised, with implications for back-arc deformational style of continental margins.
Students will use stratigraphy, field mapping/drill core logging, sedimentary petrology, and geochronological techniques to address the research questions. A student with recent research experience in detrital geochronology and/or provenance analysis will be preferred. All research costs for this PhD Project will be supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant.
Project Supervisors: Dr Scott Bryan & Dr Charlotte Allen.

PhD Project 2: Clastic Sedimentology and Basin Analysis
Sediments are one of the main recorders of tectonic events and provide a sample of large regions of continental crust not easily accessible in outcrop or that have been removed by uplift and erosion in response to major mountain building events. One important consequence of recent zircon dating provenance studies is the recognition of large, continent-wide sediment dispersal systems operating in response to major mountain-building events. These systems delivered large volumes of sediment to geographically remote continental margins and basins with no connection to the source region undergoing tectonism. The orogenic forcing, paleogeographic dynamics and type of sediment transport systems operating remain poorly understood. Furthermore, recent studies are implicating that sediment fluxes, often thought of as a consequence of tectonic deformation, may act to amplify or dampen rifting. Consequently, the depositional and rift history of a sedimentary basin may be altered by high sediment fluxes introduced by transcontinental sediment dispersal systems carrying detritus from distant, rising mountain belts 1000's km away. Critically, such basin-fill histories can provide valuable temporal links between tectonic processes operating in different parts of a continent or supercontinent, giving greater insight into tectonic and crustal evolution, as well as continental-scale paleogeography.
The Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous (~380-320 Ma) period in Australia was characterised by intraplate orogenic events in central Australia (Alice Springs Orogeny), from which a major sheet of cratonic-derived quartz-rich sand spread outwards, principally across central and western Australia. A missing link in our understanding and record of this enigmatic intraplate mountain building event has been the huge volumes of quartz sediment also shed eastwards at this time. For example, the Drummond Basin of northeastern Australia has stored >40,000 km^2 and up to 7 km thickness of quartz sandstone. However, the Drummond Basin was developing as a wide volcanic-rift basin in board of an active plate boundary.
This project is to test the hypothesis that craton-derived quartz sand sedimentation in eastern Australia was a far-field response to the final stages of the coeval central Australian Alice Springs Orogeny. It will involve stratigraphic, sedimentologic and facies analysis of key basins to: 1) define vectors to sediment source regions (e.g., by lateral coarsening trends in conjunction with paleocurrent data), particularly for the Drummond Basin; 2) provide well-constrained stratigraphic controls on age dated samples in companion PhD projects; 3) reveal spatial and temporal variations of sediment provenance within the quartz sandstone formations based on stratal architecture; 4) provide new insights into the interaction of extrabasinal quartz sandstone with intrabasinal volcanism and volcanogenic sedimentation; and 5) identify likely sediment pathways that deliver quartz sand to the continental margin edge, from which new paleogeographic maps of the region can be constructed. Two expected outcomes of this study are that: 1) the distal sedimentary record will provide new constraints on the duration and nature of unroofing by intraplate deformation; and 2) the effects of intracratonic deformation via a high sediment flux on the tectonic development of the northeastern Australian margin will be emphasised, with implications for back-arc deformational style of continental margins.
Students will use stratigraphy, field mapping/drill core logging, sedimentology and basin analysis, sedimentary petrology, and geochronological techniques to address the research questions. A student with recent research experience in sedimentology and stratigraphy or basin analysis will be preferred. All research costs for this PhD Project will be supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant.
Project Supervisors: Dr Scott Bryan, Professor Chris Fielding & Dr Charlotte Allen

2013. szeptember 9., hétfő

Characterization of Early Cretaceous depositional systems along the Atlantic Passive Margin, Morocco, PhD at the Uni. Manchester, UK

Funded PhD opportunities at the University of Manchester, UK
Details can be found on the following link:


2013. szeptember 8., vasárnap

Összegyetemi terepgyakorlat a Tokaji-hegységben

2013. augusztus 26–31. között a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Ifjúsági Bizottsága és Oktatási és Közművelődési Szakosztálya az ME Ásványtani-Földtani Intézetével együttműködve, a Tokaji-hegységben szervezte meg az Összegyetemi terepgyakorlatot, amely az MFT-nek harmadik ilyen jellegű rendezvénye volt. A gyakorlatra bármely hazai egyetem hallgatói jelentkezhettek. A gyakorlat központja az Ásványtani-Földtani Intézet telkibányai terepi oktatóbázisa volt
A rendezvény 6 napos programján három egyetem 16 hallgatója vett részt, jó hangulatban és ideális terepi körülmények között.
A terepgyakorlat első része érintette a Tokaj-hegység és a Zemplénikum (Szlovákia) legfontosabb feltárásait, bányáit, valamint a hegység főbb kulturális emlékekeit és Kassát is. A gyakorlat második felében a vágatszelvényezést, a felszíni geofizikai méréseket, valamint a geokémiai talajmintavételezést ismerhették meg és gyakorolhatták a hallgatók a Kánya-hegyen, majd részt vettek a terepi mérések számítógépes feldolgozásában. A terepen megfigyelt kőzetek polarizációs mikroszkópos bemutatása után önálló mikroszkópos vizsgálatra is volt lehetőség. A terepgyakorlat utolsó napján Rudabánya földtanával, bányászatával, kutatásával ismerkedtek a résztvevők.
A programon szakmai vezetést biztosítottak a következő oktatók: Földessy János, Hartai Éva, Mádai Ferenc, Németh Norbert, Pethő Gábor, Szabó Norbert, Szentpétery Ildikó, Zajzon Norbert, Zelenka Tibor.
A terepgyakorlathoz 30 oldalas kirándulásvezető készült Németh Norbert szerkesztésében.
A terepgyakorlatot az alábbi intézmények, cégek támogatták: Miskolci Egyetem Pelegrinatio IV. alapítvány, Colas-Északkő KFT, Geokomplex KFT, Geomega KFT, Geonardo KFT, Kárpátia-Geogold KFT, MOL Rt, Rotaqua KFT. Ezúton is köszönjük segítségüket!

Miskolc, 2013. szeptember 5.                                                                  Zajzon Norbert

                                                                                                             Az MFT IB elnöke

2013. augusztus 16., péntek

IODP Research Associate, University of Leicester, UK

Job Purpose

Salary Grade 7 - £31,331 to £36,298 per annum.

A Research Associate (Earth Scientist) is required to join an established team engaged in the acquisition and analysis of core petrophysical and borehole measurement data for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program.
The appointment is open ended subject to fixed term funding. Funding is available from 1 October 2013 to 31 December 2016.
Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to Professor Sarah Davies on sjd27@le.ac.uk or 0116 252 3624.

The closing date for this post is midnight on 26 August 2013.

Interviews will be held on 9 September 2013.
Details can be found here: http://www.le.ac.uk/jobs/external/SEN00391_Job_Summary.pdf

Postdoc position at University of Bergen, Norway

Postdoctoral fellow (2.5 years) in coupled source-to-sink and geodynamic modelling of extensional basins: Gulf of Corinth, Greece

Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Norway

The Department of Earth Science has a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow (2.5 years) integrating source-to-sink and geodynamic studies to Quaternary rift basins, Gulf of Corinth. The successful candidate will be responsible for integrating offshore seismic, tectonic geomorphology and outcrop (structure and sedimentary) data and for applying coupled geodynamic-landscape evolution modelling to understand the tectonic, landscape and sedimentary evolution of the Corinth Rift. The aim of the project is 1) to develop understanding of erosion, sediment transfer and deposition, from source to sink, in the Corinth Rift, and 2) to investigate structural development of the rift and the potential role of coupling of tectonics and surface processes in the rifts evolution. The project will involve collaboration with University of Southampton and CRPG, Nancy, France.

This sub-project is part of a larger Earth System Modelling (ESM) project, which has as a main goal to study links and feedbacks between geodynamics, source to sink studies, and palaeoclimate modelling. The ESM project involves in total 12 post-doctoral fellows and senior researchers at the Department of Earth Science and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and is funded by Statoil ASA.

Starting salary on grade 57 (code 1352/LR 24.1) in the Civil Service pay grade table, currently NOK 473,400 gross p.a., following ordinary meriting regulations (wage range 57- 65). In the case of particularly highly qualified applicants a higher salary may be considered.

Applicants must have achieved a PhD degree in Earth Science that is relevant to the postdoctoral research position, or have presented the dissertation for assessment by the closing date for applications. It is a prerequisite that the dissertation has been approved before appointment is granted. Letters of reference from three geoscientists who know the candidate and his/her work must be provided.

Applicants should submit a brief (1 page) statement of their research experience and intended research goals within the scope of this post doc project. This and other application materials should demonstrate that the candidate possesses good skills in tectonic geomorphology and/or sedimentology and/or structural geology with experience in geological fieldwork. Experience of tectonic and/or surface process modelling is an advantage. Applicants are expected to have excellent oral and written English communication skills.

Closing date for applications: 15 September 2013. Application information and further details can be found at: http://www.jobbnorge.no/job.aspx?jobid=95628

For further information contact:
Prof. William Helland-Hansen, phone +47 92663806 william.helland-hansen@geo.uib.no
Prof. Ritske Huismans, phone +47 92270930 ritske.huismans@geo.uib.no
Prof. Rob Gawthorpe, phone +47 45392790 rob.gawthorpe@geo.uib.no

2013. augusztus 8., csütörtök

Planetology and Geochemistry Symposium Program

Az előző bejegyzésben meghirdetett előadóülés időpontja 2013. augusztus 23., péntek, 10:00, helyszíne az MTA Földtani és Geokémiai Intézetének könyvtára, 1112, Budapest, Budaörsi út 45., II. em. 213.

Planetology and Geochemistry Symposium Program

10:00 Nicole Cates: Component Geochronology of the ca. 3920 Ma Acasta Gneiss

10:20 Elizabeth Frank: Metakomatiites, Dynamical Modeling and the Late Veneer

10:40 Michelle Hopkins: Ancient Thermal Events on 4 Vesta Recorded in Zircon U‐Th‐Pb‐Ti

Depth Profiles from a Brecciated Eucrite

10:00 Jennika Greer: Multiple Generations of TTG Gneisses Host Eoarchean Supracrustals

in the Innukjuak Domain (Québec, Canada)

11:20 Matthew Wielicski: Sieve Textures in Impact Zircon from Vredefort, South Africa:

Implications to Impact Geochronology

11:40 Krebsz Melinda: New Insights into the composition of wax‐like materials in


2013. július 30., kedd

Geokémiai témájú előadások az MTA CSFK FGI-ben

Az esemény felhívását alább olvashatjátok:

Kedves Kollégák!

MTA meghívottunk, Steve Mojzsis amerikai hallgatói ellátogatnak hozzánk, néhány napot itt töltenek, majd a firenzei Goldschmidt konferenciára mennek. Az itteni tartózkodásuk alkalmával szívesen bemutatnák a Goldschmidt konferenciára vitt prezentációikat, fejenként 15 percben.

Természetesen a bemutatónak akkor van értelme, ha elegendő hallgatóság gyűlik össze, ezért kérem, hogy aki augusztus 21. és 23. között eljönne a rendezvényre az intézetünkbe (MTA CsFK FGI, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.), jelezze nekem e-mailben (Demény Attila, demeny.attila@csfk.mta.hu). A nyári szabadságok miatt a pontos időpontot a visszajelzések alapján határoznánk meg. Nagyon örülnék, ha az egyetemi hallgatók körében is terjesztenék/terjesztenétek az információt.

Az előadások címei alábbiakban olvashatóak:
Dr. Nicole Cates: Component Geochronology of the ca. 3920 Ma Acasta Gneiss

Elizabeth Frank: Metakomatiites, Dynamical Modeling and the Late Veneer

Michelle Hopkins: Ancient Thermal Events on 4 Vesta Recorded in Zircon U-Th-Pb-Ti Depth Profiles from a Brecciated Eucrite

Jennika Greer: Multiple Generations of TTG Gneisses Host Eoarchean Supracrustals in the Innukjuak Domain (Québec, Canada)

Matthew Wielicski: Sieve Textures in Impact Zircon from Vredefort, South Africa: Implications to Impact Geochronology


Demény Attila

2013. július 23., kedd

Three years speleo-related PhD position in Vienna

3 years PhD student position within a project funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)

PIs: Lukas Plan, Ivo Baron (NHM-Wien), Bernhard Grasemann (Univie)

SPELEOTECT - Active tectonics and recent dynamics of micro-displacements along major fault systems of the Eastern Alps registered in caves

Start: November/December 2013

Numerous field studies, seismic data, and GPS observations suggest ongoing activity along major tectonic fault systems in the Eastern Alps. This project uses caves in Austria as field laboratories to map displacements of cave passages, monitor micro-displacements and to date active faulting by applying the U-series disequilibrium method on damaged and sealed speleothems.

Key tasks comprise
identifying, documenting and dating active faults in Austrian caves
investigating the kinematics of active faults and reconstructing the (paleo)strain field
discriminating between fault displacements caused by seismic slip or aseismic creep
monitoring the recent dynamics of micro-displacements along single faults
updating the paleoseismic data for the Eastern Alps

The PhD student will be mainly involved in mapping, sampling and sample preparation of damaged speleothems for U/ Th-dating, palaeostrain quantification on faults and in high-resolution microtectonic studies (SEM, CL, EMPA, EBSD) of faulted flowstones for discriminating between fault displacements caused by seismic slip or aseismic creep.

Applicants with a completed Master’s degree with basic knowledge in speleology (and the will and the physical ability to work in vertical Alpine caves), (micro)tectonics and/or high resolution analytical techniques (e.g. SEM, CL, EMPA, EBSD) are preferred. We are especially keen to promote the careers of women, and we therefore look forward to receiving applications from female candidates.

Payment will be according to the FWF (“DoctorandIn”):

The applications including a motivation letter and CV should be sent to lukas.plan@nhm-wien.ac.at and/or Bernhard.Grasemann@univie.ac.at not later than September, 30th 2013. You can also contact us for more information!

Forrás: http://speleogenesis.info/news/?id=269

2013. július 7., vasárnap

PhD position on "Physical modelling of submarine channel-levee development" at the University of Leeds, UK

Details can be found here:

Deadline is August 16th.

2013. július 3., szerda

PhD Fellow in Carbonate Geology/Seismic Modelling, University of Bergen, Norway

The Department of Earth Science at the University of Bergen has a vacancy for a research fellow (PhD candidate) in the field of carbonate geology/seismic modelling.  He/she is expected to develop sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic models for mixed carbonate-siliciclastic-
evaporitic rift successions exposed on the margins of the Suez Rift and to investigate the seismic expression of such systems through seismic modelling.  The research will involve collection of field data and integration of outcrop sedimentology, carbonate petrography, and petrophysical and seismic modelling.  We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with the ability to work independently as well as in interdisciplinary research groups.

Applicants must have achieved master’s degree or equivalent in sedimentology/structural geology/seismic modelling that is relevant to the PhD topic, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline.  Candidates must have a suitable background in earth science and should have practical experience in field-based sedimentology.  Experience in carbonate petrography and seismic modelling is an advantage.

In total, the fellowship period is 4 years. For positions with 4-year duration, with 25% of the period designated to teaching and/or administrative duties.  Starting salary on grade 50 (code 1017/pay framework 20.8) in the Civil Service pay grade table; currently NOK 421,100 gross p.a.; following ordinary meriting regulations.

For further information about the position please contact one of the following:
Associate Professor Gunnar Sælen, telephone +47 55 58 33 95 / e-mail Gunnar.Saelen@geo.uib.no
Professor Robert Gawthorpe, telephone +47 55 58 34 38 / e-mail Rob.Gawthorpe@geo.uib.no
Associate Professor Henk Keers, telephone +47 55 58 87 48 / e-mail Henk.Keers@geo.uib.no

Applications must be made using the Jobbnorge.no website at:

Closing date for applications: 23 July 2013

Visit the BSRG at www.bsrg.org.uk

2013. június 19., szerda

2 PhD studentships in Earth Sciences at Plymouth University, UK

Fully funded 2 PhD studentships are available in Earth Sciences to suitably qualified candidates for the academic year commencing 1st October 2013.

Full details can be found at the following link:

The closing date for applications is  5th July 2013.

2013. június 18., kedd

Post-doctoral Opportunities - Brazil

Deep Marine Research Group - UFRGS, Brazil in collaboration with University
of Aberdeen - Funded by BG Group is looking to fill two post-doctoral positions in the newly formed Deep Marine Research Group, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil. This is an excellent opportunity to visit an exciting part of the world and conduct first class research. More information with regards to the positions can be found at:


2013. június 17., hétfő

Lectureship positions at University of Exeter (UK), Camborne School of Mines

University of Exeter (Camborne School of Mines) is recruiting at the lecturer/senior lecturer level in areas of geology, including sedimentology, closing date July 1st.  Further details can be found at the following link:


2013. június 3., hétfő

Lectureship positions available at Royal Holloway, London, UK

Director of Petroleum Geoscience Studies (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor)

We seek to appoint a new member of academic staff to be the director of our internationally recognized Petroleum Geoscience teaching programs. Depending on experience post Ph.D., the position will be filled at the Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer or Lecturer level in the general field of petroleum-related geoscience. The successful appointee will make a significant contribution to the delivery and development of Petroleum Geoscience teaching and field programmes. The ideal candidate will have previous experience working with or for the hydrocarbon industry, including use of relevant software and techniques.  The appointee will  join a strong research and teaching  team in a leading UK Earth Science department. She or he will be able to work with one or more of our research groups in continental margin processes, regional petroleum system analysis and numerical modelling of depositional systems, fault dynamics (FDRG), SE Asia Research (SEARG), as well as develop her or his own funded research programme. Suitable areas of research interest are all areas of petroleum geoscience, including seismic processing and seismic interpretation, structural analysis of sedimentary basins, and reservoir geoscience.

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Earth Sciences

We seek to appoint a new member of academic staff at the Senior Lecturer or Lecturer level in potentially any area of Earth Science. The successful appointee will join a strong research and teaching team in a leading UK Earth Science department.  We anticipate that the successful appointee will be able to work with one or more of our active research groups in continental margin processes, geomodelling, global tectonics, geochemistry, volcanology/petrology, atmospheric science, or paleoclimate sciences, as well as develop her or his own funded research programme. It is expected that the appointee will make a significant contribution to the delivery and development of our undergraduate teaching and field programme and/or our internationally recognised Petroleum Geoscience teaching programmes.

Both are full time and permanent posts, available from 1st September 2013, however we welcome applications for part-time hours or job shares.
Professorial salary is in the range £59,072 to £109,134 per annum inclusive of London Allowance,  dependent on assessment through the College Professorial Pay Banding Scheme. Senior Lecturer/Reader salary in the range of £48,075 to £55,367 per annum inclusive of London Allowance.  Lecturer salary in the range of £39,516 to £46,741 per annum inclusive of London

For an informal discussion about either post, please contact Head of Department, Professor Jason Morgan on Jason.Morgan@rhul.ac.uk or +44 (0)1784 443606.

For full details and to apply please visit  https://rhul.engageats.co.uk. The RHUL Recruitment Team can be contacted with queries by email at: recruitment@rhul.ac.uk or via telephone on: +44 (0)1784 41 4241.

Closing Date:  Midnight, Sunday 30th June 2013

Interviews are expected to be held in mid-July 2013

2013. május 29., szerda

2.5 year post-doc position available at Aberdeen University, UK

A two and half year postdoc based at Aberdeen University working on distributive fluvial systems is available. It will involve extensive fieldwork. Details at the following link.


"The Department of Geology & Petroleum Geology seeks a suitably-qualified and experienced individual to undertake research on distributive fluvial systems (DFS). The project aims to develop a predictive model of DFS based on remote sensing imagery and outcrop studies.  Research will focus on outcrop based studies in various parts of the world and will involve building 3D models of different aspects of DFS.  These will be ‘ground-truthed’ using datasets derived from remotely sensed imagery and modern day systems.  The successful candidate will work with Professor Adrian Hartley.  The position is part of a larger project: the Fluvial Sedimentology Research Group (FSRG), a collaboration between Dr. Gary Weissmann and Dr. Louis Scuderi (UNM, Albuquerque) and Professor Adrian Hartley (Aberdeen) and involves research students based in Albuquerque.  The PDRF will have responsibility for liaison between the members of the group and sponsors, overseeing aspects of project data collection and analysis, and in the production of reports and journal papers.  The successful candidate is expected to carry out short- and long-term fieldwork campaigns (US, South America) and to produce maps, sedimentary logs and reports, and will also use the remote sensing laboratory in Albuquerque.  The researcher will form part of a thriving research group on modern and ancient fluvial systems within the Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology at Aberdeen.
We require a relevant PhD and experience in sedimentary geology and/or geomorphology. Candidates should ideally have a background in fluvial sedimentology and/or geomorphology although sedimentologists with experience in other clastic depositional systems will be considered.  Experience of field work in difficult terrains including data collection in clastic sedimentary systems and familiarity with remote sensing techniques would be an advantage.  A PhD is required before appointment."

Early stage postgraduate conference aimed at research into any aspect of petroleum geosciences, Unversity of Aberdeen, UK

The North Britain Student Forum is an early stage postgraduate conference aimed at research into any aspect of petroleum geosciences including (the following list is by no means exhaustive): clastic and carbonate sedimentology, structural geology, petrophysics, petroleum engineering.

In 2013, the North Britain Student Forum will be hosted by University of Aberdeen on the dates of 1st, 2nd and 3rd July. The event will be a 2 day conference followed by a day-long fieldtrip.

Accommodation bursaries are available and the event is free of charge thanks to the sponsorship of EAGE and the Petroleum Group of the Geological Society of London

Please see the website for abstract submission details:

Deadline for submission is only 5 days away!

PhD Studentship in the Stratigraphy Group of the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK

Sedimentology, depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the shallow marine to non-marine transition in the Karoo Basin, South Africa
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester

The SLOPE project has been working on the process sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy and quantitative architecture of world class outcrops of Permian shelf edge, submarine slope and basin floor depositional systems in the Karoo Basin, South Africa for 9 years. In conjunction with the LOBE project (now in Phase 2) these studies have yielded a wide range of new understandings of linked shelf to basin systems in the Tanqua and Laingsburg depocentres (e.g. Hodgson et al., 2011; Flint et al., 2011). The projects have been supported by 20 oil companies from 6 continents, 6 PhDs have been completed and 4 are currently in progress. The 4th phase of the SLOPE project is due to start shortly and one PhD studentship is available from October 1st 2013 to work within a powerful 4-University, 3 continent research team to investigate a further range of fundamental research questions on deepwater and deltaic components of the Karoo system.
SLOPE Phase 4 has been constructed such that a Post-doctoral researcher position and two PhD Studentships are focussed on separate but complementary research issues and will integrate with two additional PhD students within the project, one based at West Virginia University USA (geochemistry and radiometric dating) and one at the University of Western Australia, Perth (magnetostratigraphy and radiometric dating).
Objectives of the PhD Studentship
This studentship will be focussed on the sedimentology, architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the shallow marine to non-marine transition in the basin, which is the ‘missing piece’ in the otherwise well-constrained stratigraphic framework of the basin-fill. The Waterford Formation exposes a rare temperate latitude coastal plain to fluvial section over 1000 km2. The project will interface with another Karoo project that is working on the younger purely fluvial succession deposited under semi-arid conditions, so the climatic changes related to rapid plate movement into lower latitudes will be a component of the project. The studentship will involve extensive fieldwork in South Africa and may include supporting petrographic analysis of the marine to non-marine transition
Training and Support
Training will be provided in field techniques and any required supporting laboratory work. The student will benefit from structured research and career skills training programmes. The appointee will be based at Manchester but will spend regular research time in Leeds. You will have a strong interest in sedimentology and stratigraphy, be comfortable with multiple 6 week periods of fieldwork in mountainous semi-desert terrain and must hold a full driving licence. The project team is fully equipped with four 4x4 fieldwork vehicles, a dGPS system and a wide range of geochemical laboratories in required.
The studentship is fully funded (3.5 years fees, living grant, fieldwork and laboratory costs) from an industrial consortium grant to the Universities.
Applications are invited from UK/EU candidates holding at least an upper second class degree or equivalent in a Geoscience area. To apply please send a covering letter and a Curriculum Vitae with the email contact details of two referees to Stephen.flint@manchester,ac,
uk<mailto:Stephen.flint@manchester,ac,uk> .

2013. május 22., szerda

Harald Dill előadása Miskolcon - június 26-27

A Miskolci Egyetem Ásványtani-Földtani Intézete és a
Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Oktatási és Közművelődési, valamint Ásványtani-Geokémiai Szakosztálya, és Ifjúsági Bizottsága szervezésében
Prof. Dr. habil. Harald G. Dill
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany
2013. június 26-27-én
Kritikus elemek teleptani viszonyai, különös tekintettel a magyarországi indikációkra
címmel angol nyelvű rövidkurzust tart a Miskolci Egyetemen
Helyszín: A/3. épület, XIII. előadó

Június 26:
9-00-12.00:          Ritkaföldfémek üledékes foszfátokban és fonolitokban
14.00-17.00:        Germánium szénkőzetekben; gallium bauxitokban

Június 27:
9-00-12.00:          Berillium savanyú magmatitokban és szénkőzetekben
14.00-17.00:        Platinafémek ultrabázisos-bázisos intrúziókban és remobilizált kiválásokban

A kurzuson való részvétel térítésmentes.

Jelentkezés és bővebb információ: Hartai Éva egy. docens, foldshe@uni-miskolc.hu