As part of a newly established partnership between the Department
of Applied Geology at Curtin University and Chevron Energy Technology
Group Pty Ltd., the University is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow
who will contribute to the development of a
high impact petroleum geology research group, as well as assisting with
the delivery of petroleum geology related courses, particularly at
Masters level. As well as a PhD in geology or a related discipline, you
should have experience of working with subsurface
datasets and their use in addressing regional tectonic, structural,
stratigraphic and/or sedimentological issues of relevance to hydrocarbon
exploration and/or production (conventional and unconventional) and/or
to carbon sequestration and storage.
The post
is a five year fixed term position and salary will be in the
range $86,299 - 102,479 plus 17% superannuation. Applications should be
made via /
where details will appear shortly. Applications close at 5 pm on Friday
11 October 2013, Perth time (GMT/UTC + 08:00 hour). Informal enquires
can be addressed directly to Chris Elders (
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