Post-doctoral fellowship in sedimentary provenance analysis at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Department of Geology at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, immediately
seeks applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship in applying apatite grain
chemistry as a provenance tool in the geological record.
We are particularly interested in:
i) appyling apatite U-Pb age and trace element geochemistry as a provenance tool in ancient sedimentary systems. Target case studies include syn-orogenic sequences in foreland basins and hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir sandstones on passive margins.
ii) developing the link between apatite trace-element chemistry and parent-rock composition.
iii) the chemistry of Precambrian biogenic apatite.
The project also includes scope to investigate other 'non-traditional' approaches to single-grain sedimentary provenance.
appointment is for 2 years and has a salary of €34,500. Completion of a
Ph.D. is preferred, although highly qualified applicants nearing the
end of a Ph.D. will be considered. Experience in ICP-MS and a
publication record in international peer-reviewed journals is expected.
The Department has a newly installed Thermo iCAP Qs ICP-MS and a Photon
Machines Analyte Excite ArF Excimer laser facility ( ).
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