2016. július 28., csütörtök

EFG/UNFC workshop

Az European Federation of Geologists, társszervekkel együtt kétnapos ülést tervez Brüsszelben, 2016. november 17-18-án "Nemzetközi együttműködés a természeti erőforrásokról:  a földtudományi szakemberek fokozott részvétele az államigazgatásban és a politikai döntéshozatalban" címmel. Részletek az alábbi ismertetésből kaphatók:

Save the date
EFG/UNFC workshop
International cooperation on natural resources: geoscientists’ contribution to enhanced governance and policy making 
Date: 17 and 18 November 2016
Venue: Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
Co-organisers: EFG, UNECE, PERC, European Commission,
Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences
In collaboration with 
African Union and EuroGeoSurveys
This workshop is directed to policy officials from the EU and Member States, alongside with professional geoscientists working in companies, geological surveys, governments and research centres active on mineral exploration, oil and gas, CCS and geothermal energy.

During the first day the natural resources classification systems and the role of Competent Persons will be introduced. On the second day four sessions will cover the UNFC areas relevant for geoscientists: Minerals, Oil and Gas, CCS and Geothermal Energy. 

Pre-register by sending an email to info.efg@eurogeologists.eu.

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