2013. július 30., kedd

Geokémiai témájú előadások az MTA CSFK FGI-ben

Az esemény felhívását alább olvashatjátok:

Kedves Kollégák!

MTA meghívottunk, Steve Mojzsis amerikai hallgatói ellátogatnak hozzánk, néhány napot itt töltenek, majd a firenzei Goldschmidt konferenciára mennek. Az itteni tartózkodásuk alkalmával szívesen bemutatnák a Goldschmidt konferenciára vitt prezentációikat, fejenként 15 percben.

Természetesen a bemutatónak akkor van értelme, ha elegendő hallgatóság gyűlik össze, ezért kérem, hogy aki augusztus 21. és 23. között eljönne a rendezvényre az intézetünkbe (MTA CsFK FGI, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.), jelezze nekem e-mailben (Demény Attila, demeny.attila@csfk.mta.hu). A nyári szabadságok miatt a pontos időpontot a visszajelzések alapján határoznánk meg. Nagyon örülnék, ha az egyetemi hallgatók körében is terjesztenék/terjesztenétek az információt.

Az előadások címei alábbiakban olvashatóak:
Dr. Nicole Cates: Component Geochronology of the ca. 3920 Ma Acasta Gneiss

Elizabeth Frank: Metakomatiites, Dynamical Modeling and the Late Veneer

Michelle Hopkins: Ancient Thermal Events on 4 Vesta Recorded in Zircon U-Th-Pb-Ti Depth Profiles from a Brecciated Eucrite

Jennika Greer: Multiple Generations of TTG Gneisses Host Eoarchean Supracrustals in the Innukjuak Domain (Québec, Canada)

Matthew Wielicski: Sieve Textures in Impact Zircon from Vredefort, South Africa: Implications to Impact Geochronology


Demény Attila

2013. július 23., kedd

Three years speleo-related PhD position in Vienna

3 years PhD student position within a project funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)

PIs: Lukas Plan, Ivo Baron (NHM-Wien), Bernhard Grasemann (Univie)

SPELEOTECT - Active tectonics and recent dynamics of micro-displacements along major fault systems of the Eastern Alps registered in caves

Start: November/December 2013

Numerous field studies, seismic data, and GPS observations suggest ongoing activity along major tectonic fault systems in the Eastern Alps. This project uses caves in Austria as field laboratories to map displacements of cave passages, monitor micro-displacements and to date active faulting by applying the U-series disequilibrium method on damaged and sealed speleothems.

Key tasks comprise
identifying, documenting and dating active faults in Austrian caves
investigating the kinematics of active faults and reconstructing the (paleo)strain field
discriminating between fault displacements caused by seismic slip or aseismic creep
monitoring the recent dynamics of micro-displacements along single faults
updating the paleoseismic data for the Eastern Alps

The PhD student will be mainly involved in mapping, sampling and sample preparation of damaged speleothems for U/ Th-dating, palaeostrain quantification on faults and in high-resolution microtectonic studies (SEM, CL, EMPA, EBSD) of faulted flowstones for discriminating between fault displacements caused by seismic slip or aseismic creep.

Applicants with a completed Master’s degree with basic knowledge in speleology (and the will and the physical ability to work in vertical Alpine caves), (micro)tectonics and/or high resolution analytical techniques (e.g. SEM, CL, EMPA, EBSD) are preferred. We are especially keen to promote the careers of women, and we therefore look forward to receiving applications from female candidates.

Payment will be according to the FWF (“DoctorandIn”):

The applications including a motivation letter and CV should be sent to lukas.plan@nhm-wien.ac.at and/or Bernhard.Grasemann@univie.ac.at not later than September, 30th 2013. You can also contact us for more information!

Forrás: http://speleogenesis.info/news/?id=269

2013. július 7., vasárnap

PhD position on "Physical modelling of submarine channel-levee development" at the University of Leeds, UK

Details can be found here:

Deadline is August 16th.

2013. július 3., szerda

PhD Fellow in Carbonate Geology/Seismic Modelling, University of Bergen, Norway

The Department of Earth Science at the University of Bergen has a vacancy for a research fellow (PhD candidate) in the field of carbonate geology/seismic modelling.  He/she is expected to develop sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic models for mixed carbonate-siliciclastic-
evaporitic rift successions exposed on the margins of the Suez Rift and to investigate the seismic expression of such systems through seismic modelling.  The research will involve collection of field data and integration of outcrop sedimentology, carbonate petrography, and petrophysical and seismic modelling.  We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with the ability to work independently as well as in interdisciplinary research groups.

Applicants must have achieved master’s degree or equivalent in sedimentology/structural geology/seismic modelling that is relevant to the PhD topic, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline.  Candidates must have a suitable background in earth science and should have practical experience in field-based sedimentology.  Experience in carbonate petrography and seismic modelling is an advantage.

In total, the fellowship period is 4 years. For positions with 4-year duration, with 25% of the period designated to teaching and/or administrative duties.  Starting salary on grade 50 (code 1017/pay framework 20.8) in the Civil Service pay grade table; currently NOK 421,100 gross p.a.; following ordinary meriting regulations.

For further information about the position please contact one of the following:
Associate Professor Gunnar Sælen, telephone +47 55 58 33 95 / e-mail Gunnar.Saelen@geo.uib.no
Professor Robert Gawthorpe, telephone +47 55 58 34 38 / e-mail Rob.Gawthorpe@geo.uib.no
Associate Professor Henk Keers, telephone +47 55 58 87 48 / e-mail Henk.Keers@geo.uib.no

Applications must be made using the Jobbnorge.no website at:

Closing date for applications: 23 July 2013

Visit the BSRG at www.bsrg.org.uk