2013. március 22., péntek

ELUSCSEG előadás

John Paul Hunt
(Exploration Manager, First Star Consultancy)
Principles of the Business of Mineral Exploration
Előadás ideje:
2013. 04. 04. (csütörtök) 18:00
Előadás helyszíne:
ELTE Lágymányosi Campus (Bp. 1117. Pázmány Péter stny 1/c), Déli Tömb, 00-114-es terem

2013. március 21., csütörtök

Prof. Olivier Bachman: Diving into large silicic magma reservoirs

Az ELTE Kőzettan-Geokémiai tanszék, Vulkanológiai csoportjának meghívására előadást tart

Prof. Olivier Bachman: Diving into large silicic magma reservoirs

ELTE Kőzettan-Geokémiai tanszék Mauritz-terme
2013. április 5.,  13.00 óra

Rövid összefoglaló: Magma reservoirs play a fundamental role in igneous differentiation and are the main repositories for eruptible magma batches. Understanding their complex dynamics is an inherently multi-disciplinary task that involves geophysics, geochemistry, petrology and geodynamic modeling. In this talk, I will focus on the large silicic magma chambers, summarizing recent work on petrological data and thermo-mechanical modeling to get a clearer picture on (1) how crystallinity evolves in space and time and (2) how melt separates from crystal in these reservoirs.

Hogyan néznek ki a vulkánok alatti magmakamrák vagy a nagy földkéregbeli magmás plutonok? Hogyan fejlődnek? Hogyan jön létre egy kitörésre alkalmas magmatömeg? Mintegy 10 éve egy jelentős paradigmaváltás történt mindezen kérdésekben. E paradigmaváltásban nagy szerepet játszott vendégünk, Prof. Olivier Bachmann, akitől első kézből kaphatunk bepillantást a kutatások frontvonalában lévő témakörökről. Lesz szó szupervulkánokat tápláló magmatározókról, a vulkánkitörést megelőző kritikus folyamatokról, az együttes kőzettani és geokémiai vizsgálatok szükségességéről és az ezt kiegészítő
termális- és fizikai modellszámításokról.

2013. március 19., kedd

MFT - ISZA ifjúsági pályázat eredményei!

A 2013. évi Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétján a részvételi díj támogatására kiírt pályázat eredményei alább olvashatók (név, támogatás összege):

Aradi László 15.000 Ft
Baricza Ágnes 23.000 Ft
Csomor Tibor 8.500 Ft
Kovács Ivett 15.000 Ft
Kürthy Dóra 19.000 Ft
Liptai Nóra 15.000 Ft
Miklós Rita 8.500 Ft
Molnár Zsuzsa 19.000 Ft
Németh Alexandra 23.000 Ft
Oross Rebeka 15.000 Ft
Papp Richárd 19.000 Ft
Sendula Eszter 23.000 Ft
Trásy Balázs 19.000 Ft
Tőkés Lilla 23.000 Ft
Udvardi Beatrix 19.000 Ft

Gratulálunk minden nyertes pályázónak!
Köszönjük a támogatást a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulatnak!

Sági Tamás, Győri Orsolya
az Ifjúsági Bizottság elnöke, titkára

Rövidkurzus az ELTE-n

2013. szeptember 4-7. között Budapesten, az ELTE-n kerül megrendezésre a "Hierarchical Flow Systems in Karst Regions" című nemzetközi szimpózium, melyet Tóth József hidrogeológus professzor 80. születésnapjának tiszteletére rendez a Hidrogeológusok Nemzetközi Szervezetének (IAH) Regionális felszín alatti vizek áramlásával foglalkozó (RGFC) és Karszt hidrogeológiai (KC) bizottsága a Barlangkutatók Nemzetközi Szervezetének (UIS) Karszt hidrogeológiai és szpeleológiai bizottságával együtt.

A rendezvényt egy kétnapos rövidkurzus előzi meg (szeptember 2-3), mely a szimpózium két fő témakörének, a regionális felszín alatti áramlási rendszereknek és a karsztrendszerek hidrogeológiai működésének elméleti és gyakorlati hátterével ismerteti meg a résztvevőket.

A szimpóziummal és a kurzussal kapcsolatos további információk a szimpózium honlapján olvashatók: http://www.karstflow2013.org/

A rövidkurzus a 2012/2013-as tanév II. félévében aktív doktoranduszok számára térítésmentesen látogatható, hallgatói jogviszony igazolás bemutatása ellenében.
A rövidkurzusért kredit is szerezhető Mádlné Dr. Szőnyi Judit 2013/2014-es tanév I. félévében az ELTE-n meghirdetésre kerülő "Karsztrendszerek környezeti érzékenysége, sérülékenysége" /KÖR/39E (4 kredit) FÖL/2/081E (3 kredit)/ című doktori kurzusának keretében. A tárgyalandó témakörökről és az előadókról az alábbi oldalon olvashatnak: http://www.karstflow2013.org/?nic=training-course

Akik szeretnének részt venni a kurzuson, hallgatói jogviszony igazolás mellékelésével jelentkezzenek Erőss Anitánál (anita.eross@gmail.com), aki tájékoztat a további teendőkről.

2013. március 7., csütörtök

2013. március 5., kedd

MOL freshhh 2013

Idén 7. alkalommal indul a MOL Freshhh nemzetközi olajipari vetélkedője, olyan felsőoktatásban tanuló hallgatók számára, akiket érdekel az olajipar rejtélyes világa!
részleteket lásd az alábbi honlapon:
Jelentkezési határidő: március 17.

2013. március 1., péntek

Postdoc position I - Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

POST DOC POSITION Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences. University of Geneva - Switzerland Activity 80 to 100%, maximum salary class 10/6

Post doctoral position in Quantitative Sedimentary Petrography
Roles and Responsibilities: The successful candidate is expected to develop a rigorous research program on quantitative sedimentary petrography and to participate in teaching and supervision of graduate students at both the master's and doctoral levels. In addition, the successful candidate is expected to participate in the management of a newly installed rock-typing lab including a QEMSCAN automated quantitative analyzer and an image analysis system, to develop integrated analytical workflows and best practices related to the aforementioned analytical tools, while supporting other internal and external research projects, possibly of large and diverse nature needing the use of these technologies.
Qualifications: Qualifications include a Ph.D. in an appropriate Earth science discipline from an accredited college or university in the past 5 years and a proven track record of hands-on analytical skills with quantitative and semi-quantitative analytical techniques (quantitative microscopy analysis, SEM, EDS). Demonstrated teaching experience is desirable but not required. The successful applicant will have an active, field-based and analytical research program that will complement existing strengths in sedimentology, limnogeology, geochemistry, mineralogy, ore geology, quantitative geomorphology and tectonics. Preference may be given to applicants with research interests in one or more areas including sedimentary geology, quantitative petrography, reservoir geology, sedimentary basin analysis, or quantitative mineralogy. Documented experience of teamwork and/or participation into integrated multidisciplinary projects, represent a plus in the selection process.
Place of work: Earth and Environmental Science Section, University of Geneva, Rue des Maraichers 13, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
Expected start date: April 1st, 2013
Terms of position: maximum two years; possible continuation after this mandate upon performance and funding availability.
Application procedure and closing date: Application materials must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, proposed research plans (maximum of 3 pages) and contact information for five referees. Review of applications will begin on February 11, 2013 and continue until the position is filled. Materials should be addressed by e-mail to Mrs. Jacqueline Fellmann (Jacqueline.fellmann@unige.ch), Secretary of the Department of Geology and Paleontology.
General information: the Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences (http://www.unige.ch/sciences/terre/) includes an enthusiastic group of undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D. students and laboratory facilities in collaboration with the University of Lausanne, including XRF/XRD, electron microprobe/SEM laboratories, stable isotope, argon geochronology, ICPMS, MC-ICP MS and a new SIMS. Geneva is an exceptionally international city, surrounded by spectacular geological and natural settings, located at the core of Europe. The University of Geneva is an equal opportunity educator and employer committed to excellence through diversity.

Postdoc position II - Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

POST DOC POSITION Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences. University of Geneva - Switzerland Activity 80 to 100%, maximum salary class 10/6

Post-doctoral position in sedimentary geology
Roles and Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to develop research in the field of sedimentology and micropaleontology in collaboration with members of the Department of Geology and Paleontology. In addition, she/he will be participate in the management and operation of the sedimentology/micropaleontology laboratory (schedule, security, supply management, maintenance of analytical instruments and planning of their use); of processing rock samples (washing, peels, acid etching, smear slides, acetolyses, palynological
preparations with HF); of managing the analytical instruments of the laboratory (cathodoluminescence microscope, X-microfluorescence equipment, porosimeter-permeameter); to assist and train students and laboratory users; to participate to the department teaching program; to provide services outside the university and to participate to the development of new techniques.
Qualifications: Completed Ph.D. in sedimentology and/or micropaleontology in the past five years. Solid publication record. Previous experience in laboratory work will be considered. Some knowledge of French is desirable. Strong sense of responsibilities, organization and autonomy.
Place of work: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 13 rue des Maraichers, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland.
Expected start date: April 1st, 2013
Terms of position: maximum two years; possible continuation after this mandate upon performance and funding availability.
Application procedure and closing date: Application materials must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a publication list, proposed research plans (maximum of 3 pages), and contact information for three referees. Review of applications will begin on February 11, 2013. Materials should be addressed by e-mail to Mrs. Jacqueline Fellmann (Jacqueline.fellmann@unige.ch), Secretary of the Department of Geology and Paleontology.
General information: the Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences (http://www.unige.ch/sciences/terre/) includes an enthusiastic group of undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D. students and laboratory facilities in collaboration with the University of Lausanne, including XRF/XRD, electron microprobe/SEM laboratories, stable isotope, argon geochronology, ICPMS, MC-ICP MS and a new SIMS. Geneva is an exceptionally international city, surrounded by spectacular geological and natural settings, located at the core of Europe. The University of Geneva is an equal opportunity educator and employer committed to excellence through diversity.

PhD project at the School of Environmental Sciences of University of Ulster (Northern Ireland) DETAILS!

Project Title: Variability of the British-Irish Ice Sheet in the Rockall Trough (North Atlantic) through ice-rafted debris and micro-faunal record.

Supervisors: Dr Sara Benetti and Dr Paul Dunlop
External advisors: Dr. Aggeliki Georgiopoulou (University College Dublin), Dr Shane Tyrrell (National University of Ireland, Galway); Dr Robin Edwards (Trinity College Dublin); Fabio Sacchetti (Marine Institute of Ireland)
Contact Details: s.benetti@ulster.ac.uk p.dunlop@ulster.ac.uk
Level: PhD

Background to the project:
The evolution of the northwest European continental margin was strongly affected by Pleistocene glaciations, particularly where ice sheets extended onto the continental shelf and transferred glaciogenic sediment onto the slope, contributing to the formation of canyon systems, submarine fans and slides (Sejrup et al., 2005; Ó Cofaigh et al., in press). Reconstruction of the history of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) is difficult mainly due to stratigraphic and chronological uncertainties and the fact that sediments from older glaciations have often been eroded (Lee et al., 2011). Seismic reflection profiles from the Hebrides margin suggest significant expansions of the BIIS during each of the main glacial stages (Stoker et al., 1994). However, the low resolution and the poor age control preclude the clear distinction of individual advances (Sejrup et al., 2005).
Along the Porcupine Bank on the western continental margin of Ireland, multi-proxy foraminiferal and lithologic geochemical analyses have been used to document the variability of the BIIS in fine detail and to analyse its effect on oceanic circulation in the North Atlantic (Øvrebø et al., 2005; Peck et al., 2006; Peck et al., 2007).
This project will use a set of piston-cores (up to 4 m long) recently acquired from the western Irish margin (Fig. 1) to extend this reconstruction of BIIS variability along the Irish margin. The PhD project will focus on the characterisation, analysis and dating of sediments within the cores in order to investigate the delivery of glacially-derived sediment to the margin, in particular ice-rafted debris (IRD), and to investigate potential links to wider North Atlantic climate and ocean circulation.

Methods to be used:
The student will carry out a multidisciplinary investigation on a selection of available sediment cores including, but not limited to, the identification of fossil faunal populations and IRD record, analysis of stable isotope and trace metal composition of both sediment and fauna, and the age of significant horizons. The work flow will be the following:
1. Initial identification of sedimentary facies, by analogy with studies on other glaciated/glaciallyinfluenced margins (e.g. Canada, Mid-Atlantic USA, Antarctica).
2. Targeted sub-sampling and detailed analysis (grain size analysis, carbonate content, stable isotopes, dating and micro-faunal studies).
3. Determination of core chronologies and sedimentation rates using AMS radiocarbon dating, foraminifera stable isotopes and tephrochronology.
4. Identification of sediment infauna for the reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions.
5. Geochemical analysis of IRD grains.
Objectives of the research:
Specific objectives are:
• To assess the chronology for deep-water glacially-derived deposits;
• To quantify IRD fluxes to the margin, thus helping to constrain the timing of ice sheet advance and retreat across the Irish continental shelf;
• To reconstruct IRD provenance through geochemical analysis;
• To investigate the possible role of BIIS dynamics on the climate and ocean circulation of the North Atlantic.

Skills required of applicant:
The project will be suitable for a student with an Earth Sciences, Environmental Science or Marine Science background. The student may also have the opportunity to gain seagoing experience during the studentship.

Two-year postdoc position in environmental sedimentology at the Palacky University of Olomouce (Czech Republic)

Palacký University of Olomouc (Czech Republic), Department of Geology

opens an application procedure for

POSTDOC (young scientist) position in Sedimentary Geology / Hydrogeology / Geochemistry

for two-year period from April 01, 2013 to June 30, 2015.

The successful applicant will join our environmental sedimentology / geochemistry research group, which is primarily focused on fluvial sedimentary archives of Holocene anthropogenic impact and recent anthropogenic contamination. The postdoc project activities will include one of the following topics:
  • dating of recent fluvial sediments (using cesium and lead isotopes) and calculation of sediment accumulation rates;
  • heavy-metal contamination of fluvial deposits;
  • fluvial architecture of Late Pleistocene / Holocene deposits using high-resolution core stratigraphy and shallow geophysics;
  • mobility of heavy metals and metalloids in the environment including groundwater
  • petrophysics, geochemistry and facies analysis of Paleozoic carbonate deposits and palaeoenvironmental implications of important boundary intervals

We offer stimulating working environment in a new faculty building and very good instrumental background in the faculty facilities. Monthly salary offer is 40 000 CZK.

Formal requiremens:
  • PhD or equivalent in geology / geochemistry / hydrogeology obtained no earlier than on March 28, 2008;
  • good publication record in sedimentary geology / environmental geology / geochemistry / palaeoclimatology;
  • good communication skills in English language (CAE or equivalent);
  • recommendation letter from the PhD supervising institution or from the last employer;

Experience with application of isotope systems in geochemistry / palaeoclimatology / environmental sciences and/or working experience with electron microprobe are welcome.
Please send your application along with required documents: curriculum vitae, scanned Ph.D. diploma, motivation letter describing research interests; recommendation letter and list of publications to doc. Ondrej Bábek, e-mail address: babek@prfnw.upol.cz

doc. Mgr. Ondrej Bábek, Dr.

Deadline for application is March 15, 2013

Information: http://www.academicpositions.eu/jobs/science-and-engineering/2013/2/19/postdoc-young-scientist-position-in-sedimentary-geology-hydrogeology-geochemistry-.aspx