EFG újdonságok - Mentoring program 2020, jelentkezés febr 15-ig, European Geologist Journal legújabb száma, GEONEWS november
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Az EFG meghirdette 2020. évre szóló Mentoring programját:
The European Federation of Geologists (EFG) invites you to participate in the third edition of its International Mentoring Programme. This programme aims at building an informal network of geoscientists that will link up experienced professionals with the new generation of earth scientists.
Are you an early-career geoscientist interested in a unique opportunity to shape your career? Then consider applying to the EFG International Mentoring Programme!
From April to December 2020 you will receive targeted support from your mentor with whom you will be matched based on your career plans. The way the mentor will provide you with guidance will depend on your individual goals. Examples of the support provided by the mentors include:
· feedback and support during the job application process;
· building up a network;
· development of a career strategy;
· introduction to informal knowledge and business networks;
· shadowing (participation in the professional life of the mentor).
· building up a network;
· development of a career strategy;
· introduction to informal knowledge and business networks;
· shadowing (participation in the professional life of the mentor).
You can find full information about the mentoring programme at https://eurogeologists.eu/mentoring/. To participate, please apply by 15 February 2020.
Latest issue of the European Geologist journal, with the title 'Geological Heritage in Europe' is now available at the EFG's website: https://eurogeologists.eu/journal/.
GEONEWS november
This month EFG pleased to present a new issue of European Geologist which is dedicated to the “Geological heritage of Europe”. EFG also reports on the recent EFG Council meeting where Antonis Angelopoulos was awarded the EFG Medal of Merit 2019. Congratulations! Last but not least, EFG thrilled to present the new INFACT movie which showcases some of the sustainable and acceptable mineral exploration practices the project aims to develop
This month EFG pleased to present a new issue of European Geologist which is dedicated to the “Geological heritage of Europe”. EFG also reports on the recent EFG Council meeting where Antonis Angelopoulos was awarded the EFG Medal of Merit 2019. Congratulations! Last but not least, EFG thrilled to present the new INFACT movie which showcases some of the sustainable and acceptable mineral exploration practices the project aims to develop
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