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Szabó-Krausz Zsuzsanna a Litoszféra Fluidum Kutató Laboratórium, Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE); MTA Prémium posztdoktori kutatói program kutatójának előadására:
Potentials of geochemical modeling – Predicting concrete hydration and durability
Helyszín: Mauritz Béla terem (-1.524; ELTE, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C)
Időpont: 2019. december 2. 17.00
Időpont: 2019. december 2. 17.00
Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!
További információ: cszabo@elte.hu; aradi.laszloelod@ttk.elte.hu
Az előadás angol nyelvű összefoglalója:
Potentials of geochemical modeling – Predicting concrete hydration and durability
Geochemical modeling is capable to simulate the dissolution and precipitation of minerals, the chemical composition of pore solution and the kinetics of these processes. It is primarily used for the understanding and prediction of rock-fluid interactions. Cementitious materials also consist of crystalline and amorphous phases which can be similarly modelled. Since these materials have quite extended applications in our built environment and in the industry, it is important to evaluate their expected interactions for safety, environmental and economic reasons. Usually, laboratory batch experiments are used for such aims. Geochemical modeling is another tool for predicting the hydration and degradation of concrete. It may support, optimize and shorten laboratory experiments and in cases when no sampling or experimental work is possible, it can still provide information on the present state of the building material, its expected interactions and therefore, it may even avoid catastrophes. In this talk, we learn about the method, requirements and potentials of geochemical modeling by the help of a few case studies with cement or concrete.
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