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A Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége Földtudományok Osztálya 2017. május 14. és 18. között terepgyakorlatot szervez Telkibányára, amelyen szeretettel várunk minden kedves érdeklődőt. A terepgyakorlat témája: "Sampling methods on active and abandoned mining areas", részvételi költsége pedig 30 000 Ft/fő, ami tartalmazza a 4 nap szállást, étkezést (reggeli, ebéd, vacsora) és a buszos utazást a terepgyakorlat alatt.
A részvételi szándékot 2017. 05. 06-ig (szombat) az askprz@uni-miskolc.hu címen lehet jelezni.
Az esemény facebook oldalát a következő linken lehet elérni: https://www.facebook.com/events/120297611859913/
A terepgyakorlat programja:
The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students - Department of Earth Sciences would like to organize a field based workshop between 14–18 of May, 2017 at Telkibánya, Hungary.
The main purpose of this field based workshop is to learn the one of the basic methods the sampling in different mining areas.
During the course the participants can learn about the theoretical, mathematical/statistical and physical aspects of the sampling, targeted by 4 specialists in the first two days. In the other part of the workshop the students can practice their new knowledge at field. For this, four different active and abandoned mining areas will be visited:
· A one-day long field trip next to Telkibánya where is an abandoned, medieval ore field and underground gold mine. The area is rehabilitated by the nature in the last 200 years. The sampling exercise will be separated to two different parts. The first is to use portable XRF equipment and geophysical measurement to measure the potassium content in the ~500 m long Mária-adit. During this work, the students will be separated in 2 groups and make a sketch about the walls of the mine and mark the points of the measurements on it. In the second part of the day the group will make systematic rock and soil sampling on the surface along the Mária-adit.
· On the next day we are going to travel to Smolník area, Slovakia. Smolník is a closed gold and copper mining area, where serious acid rock drainage may still be observed due to the high amount of sulphide minerals in waste rocks and tailings. The rehabilitation of the area is not completed. During the field work the students will make water and waste rock sampling and characterisation. This work will focus on the natural water flows and the participants will practise in water sampling. The students will take samples from the waste dumps and tailings. In the end of the day the sample preparation and the evaluation of the measurements will be the task.
· On the next day Pálháza perlite quarry will be visited. The company will take a presentation about their mining activities and what they are producing (expanded perlite). The participants can take rock samples from 6–8 different parts of the deposit. In the laboratory of the quarry they can learn different methods to measure the swelling capacity of the perlite and methods how to make average samples from the raw material.
Papp Richárd Zoltán
elnök - Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége - Földtudományok Osztálya
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