2013. május 29., szerda

2.5 year post-doc position available at Aberdeen University, UK

A two and half year postdoc based at Aberdeen University working on distributive fluvial systems is available. It will involve extensive fieldwork. Details at the following link.


"The Department of Geology & Petroleum Geology seeks a suitably-qualified and experienced individual to undertake research on distributive fluvial systems (DFS). The project aims to develop a predictive model of DFS based on remote sensing imagery and outcrop studies.  Research will focus on outcrop based studies in various parts of the world and will involve building 3D models of different aspects of DFS.  These will be ‘ground-truthed’ using datasets derived from remotely sensed imagery and modern day systems.  The successful candidate will work with Professor Adrian Hartley.  The position is part of a larger project: the Fluvial Sedimentology Research Group (FSRG), a collaboration between Dr. Gary Weissmann and Dr. Louis Scuderi (UNM, Albuquerque) and Professor Adrian Hartley (Aberdeen) and involves research students based in Albuquerque.  The PDRF will have responsibility for liaison between the members of the group and sponsors, overseeing aspects of project data collection and analysis, and in the production of reports and journal papers.  The successful candidate is expected to carry out short- and long-term fieldwork campaigns (US, South America) and to produce maps, sedimentary logs and reports, and will also use the remote sensing laboratory in Albuquerque.  The researcher will form part of a thriving research group on modern and ancient fluvial systems within the Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology at Aberdeen.
We require a relevant PhD and experience in sedimentary geology and/or geomorphology. Candidates should ideally have a background in fluvial sedimentology and/or geomorphology although sedimentologists with experience in other clastic depositional systems will be considered.  Experience of field work in difficult terrains including data collection in clastic sedimentary systems and familiarity with remote sensing techniques would be an advantage.  A PhD is required before appointment."

Early stage postgraduate conference aimed at research into any aspect of petroleum geosciences, Unversity of Aberdeen, UK

The North Britain Student Forum is an early stage postgraduate conference aimed at research into any aspect of petroleum geosciences including (the following list is by no means exhaustive): clastic and carbonate sedimentology, structural geology, petrophysics, petroleum engineering.

In 2013, the North Britain Student Forum will be hosted by University of Aberdeen on the dates of 1st, 2nd and 3rd July. The event will be a 2 day conference followed by a day-long fieldtrip.

Accommodation bursaries are available and the event is free of charge thanks to the sponsorship of EAGE and the Petroleum Group of the Geological Society of London

Please see the website for abstract submission details:

Deadline for submission is only 5 days away!

PhD Studentship in the Stratigraphy Group of the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK

Sedimentology, depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the shallow marine to non-marine transition in the Karoo Basin, South Africa
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester

The SLOPE project has been working on the process sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy and quantitative architecture of world class outcrops of Permian shelf edge, submarine slope and basin floor depositional systems in the Karoo Basin, South Africa for 9 years. In conjunction with the LOBE project (now in Phase 2) these studies have yielded a wide range of new understandings of linked shelf to basin systems in the Tanqua and Laingsburg depocentres (e.g. Hodgson et al., 2011; Flint et al., 2011). The projects have been supported by 20 oil companies from 6 continents, 6 PhDs have been completed and 4 are currently in progress. The 4th phase of the SLOPE project is due to start shortly and one PhD studentship is available from October 1st 2013 to work within a powerful 4-University, 3 continent research team to investigate a further range of fundamental research questions on deepwater and deltaic components of the Karoo system.
SLOPE Phase 4 has been constructed such that a Post-doctoral researcher position and two PhD Studentships are focussed on separate but complementary research issues and will integrate with two additional PhD students within the project, one based at West Virginia University USA (geochemistry and radiometric dating) and one at the University of Western Australia, Perth (magnetostratigraphy and radiometric dating).
Objectives of the PhD Studentship
This studentship will be focussed on the sedimentology, architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the shallow marine to non-marine transition in the basin, which is the ‘missing piece’ in the otherwise well-constrained stratigraphic framework of the basin-fill. The Waterford Formation exposes a rare temperate latitude coastal plain to fluvial section over 1000 km2. The project will interface with another Karoo project that is working on the younger purely fluvial succession deposited under semi-arid conditions, so the climatic changes related to rapid plate movement into lower latitudes will be a component of the project. The studentship will involve extensive fieldwork in South Africa and may include supporting petrographic analysis of the marine to non-marine transition
Training and Support
Training will be provided in field techniques and any required supporting laboratory work. The student will benefit from structured research and career skills training programmes. The appointee will be based at Manchester but will spend regular research time in Leeds. You will have a strong interest in sedimentology and stratigraphy, be comfortable with multiple 6 week periods of fieldwork in mountainous semi-desert terrain and must hold a full driving licence. The project team is fully equipped with four 4x4 fieldwork vehicles, a dGPS system and a wide range of geochemical laboratories in required.
The studentship is fully funded (3.5 years fees, living grant, fieldwork and laboratory costs) from an industrial consortium grant to the Universities.
Applications are invited from UK/EU candidates holding at least an upper second class degree or equivalent in a Geoscience area. To apply please send a covering letter and a Curriculum Vitae with the email contact details of two referees to Stephen.flint@manchester,ac,
uk<mailto:Stephen.flint@manchester,ac,uk> .

2013. május 22., szerda

Harald Dill előadása Miskolcon - június 26-27

A Miskolci Egyetem Ásványtani-Földtani Intézete és a
Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Oktatási és Közművelődési, valamint Ásványtani-Geokémiai Szakosztálya, és Ifjúsági Bizottsága szervezésében
Prof. Dr. habil. Harald G. Dill
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany
2013. június 26-27-én
Kritikus elemek teleptani viszonyai, különös tekintettel a magyarországi indikációkra
címmel angol nyelvű rövidkurzust tart a Miskolci Egyetemen
Helyszín: A/3. épület, XIII. előadó

Június 26:
9-00-12.00:          Ritkaföldfémek üledékes foszfátokban és fonolitokban
14.00-17.00:        Germánium szénkőzetekben; gallium bauxitokban

Június 27:
9-00-12.00:          Berillium savanyú magmatitokban és szénkőzetekben
14.00-17.00:        Platinafémek ultrabázisos-bázisos intrúziókban és remobilizált kiválásokban

A kurzuson való részvétel térítésmentes.

Jelentkezés és bővebb információ: Hartai Éva egy. docens, foldshe@uni-miskolc.hu

2013. május 21., kedd

Visiting Lectureship in Physical Geography, UK

 The Geography programme in the School of Management and Social Science at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, is seeking to appoint a Visiting Lecturer in Physical Geography. They are particularly interested in candidates who have research interests in glaciology and ecology and who would be able to make effective contributions to Level 2 and 3 modules in these areas. However, candidates with complimentary expertise in other areas of physical geography are also encouraged to apply. The role is particularly suited to candidates with some experience of teaching and an interest in developing their pedagogic skills.

The role primarily involves in the development and delivery of physical geography lectures, seminars and laboratory practical sessions for undergraduate students. You will be expected to set and assess work and liaise closely with the module convenor to ensure the smooth delivery of these modules. 

It is envisaged that the workload will amount to 100 hours spread evenly between the first and second semesters, starting in September 2014. The current rate of pay for Visiting Lecturers is £34.49.

Enquiries are welcome from candidates who have gained a PhD or are expecting to in the near future. A minimum of a Masters degree and some experience of teaching is essential for this role.

If you are interested in the role, please email your CV and a brief explanation of your suitability for the role to iain.cross@smuc.ac.uk by 28 June 2013 at the latest. Informal enquiries can be directed to the same address.

2013. május 9., csütörtök

New permanent post Trinity College Dublin

Post Summary
This Assistant Professor appointment will be in the broad field of Sedimentology. The appointee will contribute to undergraduate teaching, research and student supervision in the School. The successful candidate will develop an active externally funded programme of research linked to Earth and Environment – an interdisciplinary research theme in the School. The Discipline of Geology at Trinity College Dublin is committed to education that emphasises the importance of field-based investigation and observational skills. The successful candidate will demonstrate their experience in both teaching and conducting field-based sedimentology, together with laboratory-based microscopic description of sedimentary rocks.

This post is tenable from 1st September, 2013.

Background to the Post
Geology, which is part of the School of Natural Sciences, has recently been strengthened by the addition of a new Chair (Professor Kamber), an Assistant Professor in Igneous Petrology (Dr. Tomlinson), an industry-sponsored position in Economic Geology, and this appointment. This new post concerns itself with the formation and evolution of sedimentary rocks. Using a combined approach of field observation, petrographic information and geochemical data, the candidate’s research will contribute to deeper and more quantitative understanding of earth surface processes, and the evolving biosphere. The Discipline of Geology values observational and quantitative skills that are used to investigate the complex interactions between the solid Earth, the biosphere and the hydrosphere.

The School’s four cross-disciplinary research themes: Ecology and Evolution; Earth and Environmental Science; Society, Space and Environment; and Molecular and Comparative Physiology are linked via the Centre for the Environment. The successful candidate’s research will provide further opportunities for cross-disciplinary research both within and between schools in Trinity College Dublin. It will also strengthen links with University College Dublin, via the National Centre for Isotope Geochemistry at University College Dublin.

Standard Duties of the Post
The exceptional individual appointed, whilst being based in Geology, will be expected to foster interdisciplinary, collaborative research and teaching. S/he will be enthusiastic to develop further their internationally recognised research profile, whilst contributing to undergraduate and post-graduate level teaching and supervision in the School. S/he will also undertake such administrative responsibilities as directed by the Head of School or their nominee.

Funding Information
The School will be able to provide a modest start-up package for the new Assistant Professor. In addition, we have excellent infrastructure in place particularly with respect to rock preparation and the analytical laboratories associated with the Geochemistry Laboratory in Geology (http://www.tcd.ie/Geology/geochemfacility/) and Organic Petrology (http://www.tcd.ie/Geology/
palynolfacility/organicpet.php) and the Centre for the Environment (http://www.tcd.ie/
environment/facilities/labs.php). In addition, Trinity College Dublin operates a variety of advanced micro-beam microscopes for sub-microscopic analysis of solid specimens.

Person Specification

Candidates must either hold a Ph.D. in a relevant research area or have submitted their Ph.D. thesis for examination. In the latter case, the application must be accompanied by a letter from the principal supervisor of the Ph.D.

Knowledge & Experience (Essential & Desirable)

·         Evidence of research potential and achievements, including publications, in a cognate area.
·         Ability to contribute to undergraduate teaching in the School, including fieldwork.

·         Experience of both small and large group teaching at undergraduate level.
·         Experience of supervising undergraduate dissertations.
·         Experience of teaching at Masters level.
·         Experience of developing new courses and teaching material, including field-based geology.
·         Experience of working in an interdisciplinary environment.
·         Experience of research student supervision.
·         Experience and documented success in obtaining research funding.

Skills & Competencies

·         Demonstrated potential to manage and develop courses in a University setting.
·         Excellent communication skills.
·         Demonstrated enthusiasm for, and success in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students.
·         Enthusiasm and aptitude for a collegial style of working, for collaborative and interdisciplinary work in teaching and research, and for international networking.

 Closing date: 5th June!!!

Candidates wishing to discuss the lectureship post informally and in confidence should email Professor Celia Holland, Head of School: cholland@tcd.ie  and Professor Balz Kamber, Chair of Geology: kamberbs@tcd.ie