2012. november 6., kedd

Szedimentológiai konferencia Manchesterben

2013 szeptember 2-5 között Manchesterben rendezi meg a Nemzetközi Szedimentológiai Szervezet éves konferenciáját. Az első körlevél letölthető a honlapról: 

PhD lehetőség Londonban

PhD Studentship in the Role of Pre-existing Structural Fabrics on the Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of Rift Basins - Imperial College London, UK
Application deadline: 7 November 2012

Szedimentológiai álláslehetőségek!

Faculty position as assistant professor in sedimentary Geology – Texas Christian University, Texas, USA (A Ph.D. is required.)
The closing date for application: 15th November 2012

Lectureships in Geography (Education and Research) – University of Exeter - College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Exeter, UK (A Ph.D. in a relevant area of Geography is required.)
The closing date for application: 15th November 2012

University Lecturer in Sedimentology/Stratigraphy – University of Oxford - Department of Earth Sciences in association with St Cross College, Oxford, UK (A Ph.D. is required.)
The closing date for application: 16th November 2012

Lecturer in Sediment Dynamics/Coastal Morphodynamics – Bangor University, College of Natural Sciences – School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor, UK (A Ph.D. is required.)
The closing date for application: November 2012

Professor in geology of sedimentary basins - Department of Geography and Geology, Copenhagen, Denmark
The closing date for application: 15th November 2012

Marine Geoscientists (3 posts) and Petroleum and Basin Analysts (2 posts) – British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, UK (Masters in Geology or Geophysics or Ph.D. is required.)
The closing date for application: 14th November 2012